Rewards Programs

We love having kids and teens in our office and we enjoy spoiling them with rewards for being incredible patients. The better we work together, the better the orthodontic treatment overall. So, we offer all kinds of rewards, jokes, and perks when you choose Lincoln Orthodontics for your orthodontic care with our various rewards programs.

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Patient Rewards Programs

  • Programs
  • Straight Talk
  • JRs Kids Club
  • Rewards

Orthodontic Treatment is Rewarding!

An experience with us is sure to be rewarding and we hope your greatest reward is the result from our orthodontic care, but that doesn’t mean we can’t add a few perks along the way.

Through Contests and Events, Straight Talk with Dr. Willett Patient Experience, Lincoln Orthodontics JRs Program, Discounts, and our Patient Rewards Program, we celebrate, recognize, and spoil our patients for helping us to make treatment run as smoothly as possible.

Straight Talk: Patient Experience

We are real. Real people, real talk, real nice, and real results! We try to make your visit as soothing as possible and make sure you smile and laugh along the way. However, we know orthodontic treatment (braces, aligners, retainers, etc.) can be uncomfortable at times too.

But don’t worry.

We also give you the facts, the best possible care, and we have fun with it by sending you around our community to have a soothing experience for free or with a discount! It’s our own unique way to say thank you and ease some of the discomfort that comes with getting braces/aligners.

JRs Program

Our growth observation program is for kids not quite ready for full orthodontic treatment. As a part of this program, we will get to know you and your teeth by seeing you every 6 to 12 months. During these visits we:

  • Monitor your teeth regularly to determine the proper timing and need for future orthodontic treatments.
  • Track the eruption patterns of your permanent teeth, make sure the roots of baby teeth are being resorbed, and monitor the growth of both jaws.
  • Notify your general or pediatric dentists of any recommendations made during your visits with us.

This early intervention, or first phase of treatment, can reduce the future treatment time and complexity of needs when full treatment begins later on – saving you time and money.

Patient Rewards Program

Patients can earn rewards points at their regular orthodontic adjustments* for the following:

  • On time for regular appointments
  • Nothing broken/bent/damaged
  • Excellent brushing
  • Excellent compliance with elastic wear

Points can be redeemed at any time for gift cards and other great prizes. Please see the display cases in our office for prize options.

*Regular orthodontic adjustments do not include growth monitoring, repairs, wire clips, care checks, retainer appointments or other emergencies.


To show our appreciation for the opportunity to be your family’s orthodontist, we offer a discount to parents who choose to proceed with full treatment. We also offer a family discount for each additional family member who undergoes full orthodontic treatment.

Contests, events, and community involvement

We hold in-office and online contests with giveaways and prizes. We love to see lots of participation at patient appreciation events and online. Make sure to follow us on social media to stay in the loop for all the fun!


It is our greatest compliment when you refer our office to friends and family. We are excited to work with you and we can’t wait to make you smile! Thank you for trusting us with your care and for sharing your experience.

Rewards Programs FAQ

Through Contests and Events, Straight Talk with Dr. Willett Patient Experience, Lincoln Orthodontics JRs Program, Discounts, and our Patient Rewards Program, we celebrate, recognize, and spoil our patients for helping us to make treatment run as smoothly as possible.

Yes, our JRs program is designed specifically for patients who are not quite ready for any orthodontic treatment, but may be candidates in the future. Our goal of this program is see kiddos every 6 to 12 months and stay updated on their teeth movements, and how adult teeth are coming in.

Before Braces

Our team at Lincoln Orthodontics loves watching kiddos grow and monitoring their teeth as time continues. Our JRs program Kids Club offers rewards and contests to say thank you to our amazing young patients for making treatment run smoothly. We also offer discounts to families going throug full treatment to thank them for their trust and dedication to our team! We love caring for all members of your family and we will make you feel right at home as soon as you walk through the door. 

Complimentary Smile Consultation

Free Consultation

For a Free Consultation, fill out this form and Schedule with Dr. Willet at Lincoln Orthodontics. We will be straight with you, shower you with rewards, and help you get a smile you can be proud to wear.

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